Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the most common questions.


What is USponsorMe Exchange?

USponsorMe Exchange is a cultural exchange agency that offers J1 Intern / Trainee visa service in the occupational categories:
– Hospitality
– Food & Beverage
– Culinary Arts& Pastry
– Arts & culture
– Construction & Building Trade
– Communication & Marketing
– Business & Commerce
– Finance & Accounting
– Law

What service do you offer?

USponsorMe Exchange offers:
– Visa service (we take care of your visa process)
– Support during the entire program duration

Is USponsorMe different from USponsorMe Exchange?

Yes! USponsorMe and USponsorMe Exchange are two different websites. However, both have been founded by Sarah Papasodaro.

USponsorMe is a premium job site that delivers H1B, TN, E3, O1 jobs, and J1 opportunities. It will help you find your J1 host company.
USponsorMe Exchange is a cultural exchange agency that offers J1 visa services. After you found your J1 host company on USponsorMe, then, USponsorMe Exchange can help you through your J1 visa process.


Is there any age limit?

There is no age restriction for getting the J1 Intern or Trainee visa. We accept candidates who are older than 34 years old as long as we have J1 opportunities that will allow them to enhance their skills and expertise in their academic or occupational fields through their J1 participation. Our goal is for our candidates to take their careers to the next level with personal and professional experience in the United States.

Please note that statistically, denied visas are much higher when the candidate is older than 34 years old. This is simply because the majority of candidates who pass this age have reached high-level or senior-level positions in the occupational field they want to pursue, and proving their J1 participation will enhance their skills and expertise is harder to prove.

However, if you break down the stats on 34+-year-old candidates, those with a career change who have less than 15 years of experience and have not reached the highest position in the vertical have the same approval rate as candidates under 35 years old.

But you should understand that identifying qualified 35+-year-old candidates is much more time-consuming as it’s case by case, and some sponsors or J1 agencies set an age limit to reduce cost.

Apply now, and see if you qualify

We have already placed several J1 candidates older than 35 years old, and our success rate at the US embassy is 100% so far. But again, whatever your age, there is always a risk you see your visa denied at the US embassy. You should be aware of this.

The Program

Can I change my employer during my J1 visa?

You can, but for a very good reason only.

The Process

How can I start my application?

1. Apply here and we will perform your eligibility for our J1 program. To apply, you’ll need to have an employer. If you do not have an employer yet, go to to find one.
2. We will contact you for an interview with us. If you are eligible for our J1 visa service, we send you the list of documents we need to start the visa process.
3. As soon as we have all documents on file, we will start your J1 visa paperwork.